Blogpost #8

The Mortal Method: Connecting with Mathura & Her Offerings

by Mathura Mahendren

Dear reader,

If you’ve read this far in this blog post series, you have a sense of how I move in the world – as a facilitator, designer, researcher, and storyteller.

If while reading these posts you’ve felt a sense of kinship with this way of moving in the world, and/or a longing to integrate more of these principles into your personal and/or professional existence, this post is intended to give you a sense of what might be possible in terms of working together and how to get in touch.

While I wear many hats and work across many different fields and disciplines, one of the threads that connects all of my work is that – consciously or not – people, organizations, and relationships bring me in to slow things down in a world where most people get paid to speed things up. The slowing down is not for the sake of slowing down, but rather to clarify and reconnect purpose, build relationships, repair what has been broken, grieve what been lost or changed, gather ourselves and those around us, shed what is no longer serving us, return to our bodies, re-member what they know, connect with the land, and/or (re)imagine what is possible. We slow down because, in the words of Toni Cade Bambara, “Not all speed is movement.” We slow down to discern between speed and movement, so that we may move in alignment and integrity.

In that, if you feel called to work together, whether within or outside of the context of the Mortal Method, feel free to reach out If you feel the pull to reach out, but aren’t quite sure what for, here is a non-exhaustive sampling of what’s on the menu:

  • design and facilitate a gathering (e.g. a meeting, a wedding, a conference, a retreat) that honours and embodies one or more qualities of mortality (e.g. finitude, embodiment, eros, connection, meaning-making)
  • provide 1:1 or team coaching on navigating individual collective grief or change.
  • design a series of workshops and/or regular practice prompts that help you unearth and clarify a story you are wanting to tell (e.g. about your life, your work, your business, a relationship, the past, the future, etc.)
  • develop a course that guides members of your organization through a process of re-examining how they might work in ways that honour their mortality and/or dismantle the master’s tools.
  • design and facilitate a personalized goodbye for a loved one who is dying (e.g. a living funeral)
  • design a container within which to understand the ruptures within a team / organization / relationship and hold brave spaces to surface, name, discern and build the capacity for engaging in repair (where there is a shared desire to)
  • mark a milestone moment (e.g. wedding, baby shower, funeral, birthday) or redesign a ritual (e.g. family reunions, coming-of-age ceremonies, graduations, anniversary traditions) in ways that are more in alignment with your current values, context, resources, and longings. 
  • design and facilitate an immersive experience that allows you / your team / a group to practice, hone, and embody the skills, norms, and culture that are needed to begin living your desired futures in the present.
  • listen for the things in a space that are not being said, or are being said but not heard, identify the sources of resistance, and design a space that offers a level of safety, belonging, and dignity that allows for true witnessing. 

In truth, the possibilities are endless and my practice has evolved in response to emerging needs and longings – mine, yours, and that of the world around us. If any of the above – or some other wondrous third thing – tickles your fancy, please do reach out at (Fun fact: my involvement in the Mortal Method project was born of one of these I’m-not-sure-if-you-would-be-interested-in-this-but-I-thought-of-you inquiries!) 

If/when you do reach out, please make sure to include a sense of the resources you have available for this work so that I can respond to you with that context in mind!

Here’s to living like we’re going to die,


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